How to Use AutoFriends Extension to Unfriend People on Facebook

Managing your friend list on Facebook can sometimes involve removing connections that are no longer relevant. The AutoFriends extension simplifies this process by automating the unfriending process. This article provides a detailed guide on using the AutoFriends extension to efficiently unfriend people on Facebook. Navigate to the All Friends Page Configure AutoFriends Initiate the Process […]

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How to Use AutoFriends Extension to Delete Incoming Friend Requests on Facebook

Managing friend requests on Facebook can be overwhelming, particularly when dealing with numerous requests. The AutoFriends extension simplifies this process by automating the deletion of incoming friend requests. This article provides a detailed guide on using the AutoFriends extension to efficiently manage and delete incoming friend requests. Navigate to the Friend Requests Page Configure AutoFriends […]

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How to Use AutoFriends Extension to Confirm Friend Requests on Facebook

Managing friend requests on Facebook can be time-consuming, especially when dealing with numerous requests. The AutoFriends extension simplifies this process by automating the confirmation of incoming friend requests. This article provides a detailed guide on using the AutoFriends extension to confirm friend requests efficiently. Step-by-Step Guide to Using AutoFriends Navigate to the Friend Requests Page […]

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How to Use AutoFriends Extension to Cancel Sent Friend Requests on Facebook

Managing friend requests on Facebook includes not only accepting incoming requests but also managing those you’ve sent. The AutoFriends extension simplifies this process by automating the cancellation of sent friend requests. This article provides a detailed guide on using the AutoFriends extension to efficiently manage and cancel sent friend requests. Step-by-Step Guide to Using AutoFriends […]

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How to Use AutoFriends Extension to Add Friends from a Facebook Profile

Growing your social network on Facebook can be efficiently managed with tools like the AutoFriends extension. This extension allows you to automate the process of sending friend requests from a specific profile, enabling you to expand your connections quickly and easily. Step-by-Step Guide to Using AutoFriends Navigate to the Desired Profile Configure AutoFriends Initiate the […]

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AutoFriends: Your Ultimate Free Facebook Friend Management Tool

Managing your Facebook friends can be time-consuming and tedious, but with AutoFriends, it becomes effortless. AutoFriends is a powerful Chrome extension designed to simplify your Facebook experience by automating friend management tasks. Whether you want to add new friends, confirm friend requests, delete unwanted connections, cancel sent requests, or unfriend people, AutoFriends handles it all […]

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